Children's Groups
There are Children’s Groups each morning from 10:30 to 12:30 (Friday, 11:15-12:15). These are great times to learn, explore and have fun. We ask parents collect their children promptly at the finish time.
Creche pre-school - The Plinth
Creche facilities are available for all parents. This is a parent led activity.
Age Reception to Year 2 (from Sep 22 - July 23)
- The Plinth
The children enjoy a wide range of play activities, including art and food craft. Adventurers aims to inspire Biblical truths through the daily group story, songs and games.

Year 3 to 6 (from Sep 22 - July 23) - The Plinth
They also meet Monday to Thursday evenings from 7-8pm for interactive teaching, sharing and prayer with scrummy snacks. On Thursday evening there will be a Trailblazer bonfire with marshmallows.
Year 7-13 (from Sep 22 - July 23) - The Loft
There are youth meetings each morning from
10:30 to 12:30 (Friday, 11:15-12:15).
The youth also meet Sunday - Thursday from 7-9pm to enjoy worship and teaching, plus some late night games, fun and food. There will also be some fun actvities throughout the week. These will be confirmed once you arrive.